Final day to become a vikasati southport founding member

Vikasati Foundation Memberships
Restore Img

RESTORE | $84 $79 per week

Our RESTORE membership is tailored to the individual looking to invest more into their overall wellbeing with higher frequency restorative work.

Up to 7 x Sanctuary sessions per week

Special founding members price $79 per week (normally $84 per week)

Balance Img

BALANCE | $29 $25 per week

Our BALANCE membership is the perfect way to maintain balance from the stressors of work, training, environment, lifestyle, and other factors which take away from your energy, calm and wellbeing.

1 x Sanctuary session per week

Special founding members price $25 per week (normally $29 per week)

Become a founding member today (foundation special closing 31 October)


6am-9pm, 7 days a week.

Yes, 6 weeks, and then just 7 days notice to cancel.

RESTORE memberships can be paused with 3 days notice for a minimum of 2 weeks and maximum of 6 weeks. BALANCE memberships cannot be paused, however missed sessions accrue and can be used at a later date.

For BALANCE members, if you’re unable to make it one week, your sessions accrue to be used at another time of your choosing.

Payments are taken weekly on a direct debit. 



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